Restaurant Press Release – Brand revision launch

Restaurant Press Release

Aqua unveil their new look dining room and revised brand, a firm commitment to tourism in Howth, Dublin 

By Majella O’Connor January 16th 2013

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Aqua first opened in December 1999 to the fanfare of a New Years Eve Party, the business has luckily gone from strength to strength since that first evening of service.

This year further investment has been made in the restaurant with a new look and feel brand, new website and new dining room styling. We know only too well the challenges in the restaurant trade, but have been incredibly lucky to enjoy a solid local loyalty from the greater Howth community.  Our regulars support what we do 12mths of the year and for this we are hugely appreciative.

Howth is also blessed with a vibrant tourism trade, International visitors love to discover the picturesque fishing village just 20mins outside Dublin.  We have of course a plethora of fine eateries to offer in the area.

"We feel we have a superb product here at Aqua with exceptional views, fantastic staff and a varied menu.  We are delighted in the current climate, to be in a position to upgrade the restaurant and our brand to compound our commitment to the trade and to Howth as a tourist destination.  We also have firm plans to launch our own seafood product line later this year. Our Irish seafood is enjoyed internationally, with major strides in China and other far reaching countries in promoting Irish food.”

Charles Smith (Managing Director of Aqua Restaurant)

With our latest investment in our business, we are making a strong commitment to continue to stimulate the local economy.  Our relationship with local suppliers is very important to us particularly with our plans to launch a food product range later in 2014.

CSO Quarterly National Household Survey 2013 showed 58,000 more people working in the Irish economy than the same period in 2012.  A quarter of this figure (some 14,700 jobs) is positions in the accommodation and food service sectors.

Aqua reopens for dinner service on Friday, 17th January unveiling our newly styled dining room.  Our new website is live and plenty more changes planned throughout this year with a strong emphasis on our culinary offering. Photographs of the new dining room will be available from Monday, 20th January 2014.

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For further information on this restaurant press release please contact: Charlie Smith, Director Aqua Restaurant 1 West Pier Howth Co, Dublin Office: 353 1 832 0690 Fax: 353 1 832 0687 Mobile: 353 (87) 7870498 or  ###

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